Post natural disaster resilience in Sulawesi, Indonesia

Post natural disaster resilience in Sulawesi, Indonesia

Some countries and regions are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters. This is the case of Indonesia, with its numerous active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes, on the “Pacific Ring of Fire”. Sulawesi (known in France as Celebes), the 4th largest...
The Indian Ocean seeks to value its biodiversity

The Indian Ocean seeks to value its biodiversity

The West of the Indian Ocean comprises French and francophone islands where aromatic, medicinal and perfume plants as well as spices are abundant, including in Madagascar, the Comoros Union and Mayotte. Only 70 to 300 km apart, they have a high level of endemic...

Sustainable value chains North and South of Ghana

In 2022, The first field assignment of the year brought me to Ghana with a team coordinated by SOFRECO, to identify for the European Union relevant value chains for a new project in the North of the country. In addition, a more diplomatic mission was undertaken in the...
2022, a year of intense activity, between crises and resilience

2022, a year of intense activity, between crises and resilience

Climate change and the collapse of biodiversity are having increasingly visible and dramatic consequences, from South to North and East to West. An open conflict in the North of Europe is impacting food in the South of the globe. But hope remains, with the end of the...
Devine qui vient dîner ce soir (film)

Devine qui vient dîner ce soir (film)

Guess who’s coming to dinner, film américain (USA) de 1967 (Devine qui vient dîner), avec le regretté Sydney Poitier, est un chef d’œuvre absolu. À voir et à revoir. C’est un film avec la structure d’une rigoureuse et parfaite d’une pièce de théâtre...