
La biopiraterie aujourd’hui

"Qu'est-ce que la biopiraterie ?", "Ce phénomène est-il en progression ou en regression ?", telles sont les premières questions posées par l'animateur de l'Entretien de l'Intelligence Économique sur France 24 à Pierre Johnson, expert international sur le sujet. Un...

The Mozambique Channel: an opportunity for Mayotte

The Mozambique Channel: an opportunity for Mayotte

Have you heard of the Mozambique Channel? Located between the east of the African continent and the west of the Indian Ocean, the Mozambique Channel region is rich in ecosystems and unique biodiversity. For several centuries, it has seen intense maritime exchanges, on...

Post natural disaster resilience in Sulawesi, Indonesia

Post natural disaster resilience in Sulawesi, Indonesia

Some countries and regions are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters. This is the case of Indonesia, with its numerous active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes, on the "Pacific Ring of Fire". Sulawesi (known in France as Celebes), the 4th largest island in the...

Pierre W. Johnson

International consultant, study and sustainable development of natural products value chains. Specialist of markets of origin, quality and high value products. Expert on Access and Benefit Sharing.
Keynote speaker on transition to an ecological economy & society.

Member of the
International Value Links Association.

Associate expert to Tero.
