In 2022, The first field assignment of the year brought me to Ghana with a team coordinated by SOFRECO, to identify for the European Union relevant value chains for a new project in the North of the country. In addition, a more diplomatic mission was undertaken in the cocoa belt to anticipate the European Union’s “zero imported deforestation” policy and the due diligence of buyers regarding child labor in the cocoa sector. A multi-criteria evaluation allowed us to identify 5 value chains with high potential in the North of the country: – shea butter, with a strong economic, social and environmental contribution, – vegetable gardening (the main issue being access to water), – soybean (nitrogen contribution, low fertilization requirement), – beekeeping, complementary production and pollination services, – cover crops, uncommon in this region in the dry season. The emphasis of the project was put on agroecology.
After an expert from Nicaragua resigned, I was also put in charge of the cocoa dossier, which aimed to prepare the country for the recently adopted European legislation. For this rather technical and political matter, we met the main parties, formulated strategic recommendations and elaborated a multi-year budget. More on the subject soon…