
The Great Transition, an opportunity to rethink economic and social action.


Current economy and socieity are radically separated from natural cycles and elements. The consequences on well-being and social relations are often important, they are dramatic on the environment, and prefigure a possible genral failure of installed socioeconomic systems.

The international community has committed several times towards a transition of production and consumption modes as well as energy. But we lack a vision, an alternative story for the future of our societies. However, the transition of economy and society towards a sustainable future has already started for local communities and pioneer companies.

The distance between the old and the new economy seems so important that the multitude seems to lack landmarks to imagine and engage within the emerging new society, even as they have understood the deadend of the operating system of most of the economic and social sysems. The great transition is this process both individual and collective, with solidarity in its approach, that contributes to a sustainable future for our societies, tapping in the solidarity and know-how, the dynamism of social entrepreneurship, individual or collective, and in scientific research oriented towards this future.

What we propose

Economic development based on human and ecosystem potential

  • Study of the potential of symbiotic development of the local area of the company (including, but not limited to Ecosystem Services Review, ecological, economical and social know-how and innovation)
  • Design of transition plans for communities and/or organizations
  • Design of permaculture sites and training in permaculture
  • Facilitation or management of social economy, (sub)urban agriculture and CSA projects

Feasibility studies and impact studies

  • Study of feasibility of developement projects
  • Study of the impact and performance of supply chains, and development projects
  • Multicriteria evaluation multicritères, environmental mediation
  • Partnership and multistakeholder dialogue

Mediation and stakeholder dialogue

The great transition and sustainable development start by a dialogue with stakeholders, and takes form in mutual commitment between partners. This coordination is not easy, because each part is submitted to specific challenges and constraint.
A third person is often necessary. This is why we propose you our mediation and stekholder dialogue services.

More on the great transition

Support to biotrade from Africa

Support to biotrade from Africa

Biotrade Is your organization (company, research center, foundation, NGOs) developing new ingredients or new applications of ingredients deriving from the biodiversity in Africa or other continents? Did you know that, since October 2014*, you have legal obligations...

Ylang ylang from the Comoros: Saving distillation fuel wood

Ylang ylang from the Comoros: Saving distillation fuel wood

In March 2019, a team led by Pierre JOHNSON, international consultant, with Wassilati MBAE, as expert of the Comoros ylang ylang value chain, conducted the evaluation of the 2nd phase of the FY-DAFE programme (2016-2019) of the NGO Initiative Développement, with funding by the French Development Agency, and the French Facility for Global Environment and other sponsors. This evaluation concluded on the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the project in its main objectives, and made recommendations for the third and final phase of the programme (2019-2021).

Pierre W. Johnson

International consultant, study and sustainable development of natural products value chains. Specialist of markets of origin, quality and high value products. Expert on Access and Benefit Sharing.
Keynote speaker on transition to an ecological economy & society.

Member of the
International Value Links Association.

Associate expert to Tero.

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