Biodiversity: a common challenge

Biodiversity: a common challenge

Biodiversity is the diversity and variety of life. A permanent source of creativity, many of us see it as a distant topic from our economic and social activities. However, most of these activities, and our common welfare depend at one level or another on the...

Fairtrade cotton looking for a new start

Participation of the entire sector Fairtrade, the main fair trade label, organized the International Forum of Fairtrade and fair-organic cotton in West Africa, in Paris on 15 March 2016. All the industry players were present for this edition: Representatives of...
Biodiversity: a common challenge

The importance of biodiversity explained in 3 minutes

Biodiversity is the fabric of life, the variety and diversity of species and ecosystems, and the relations beween them. The Vancouver Film School students produced an excellent film to explain visually in 2 minutes 40 secondes  Biodiversity, and its links to human...

La valeur de la biodiversité

Les Nations Unies ont consacré une année, 2010, à la biodiversité.  Mais celle-ci est le support permanent de la vie sur Terre. Pourtant, les indicateurs économiques n’en prennent que pas ou peu compte. En définitive, quelle est la valeur de la biodiversité pour...

La bio et l’équitable en émergence au Burundi

La revue “Pour” consacre son numéro du mois de février 2016 à “La bio à la croisée des chemins”. Celui-ci contient notre article sur l’émergence de l’agriculture biologique et du commerce équitable au Burundi. La bio à la croisée...